
Pilotbrillen For Fashion And Fun

Picture yourself back Flying angry bird as a little boy or little girl. You ve watched movies about heroic pilots and you ve also made a little cardboard airplane so that you can pretend that you are a real pilot, flying your passengers to safety, avoiding turbulence, saving the day when a killer whale hops up from the ocean and tries to smush your plane. Now, the times may have changed. You had created a pair of paper pilotenbrillen for your fantasies they were what made the pilot fantasy real. After all, only real pilots have pilotenbrillen.You may have discovered that you are absolutely terrified of flying. It could be the height, or the thought of how bad it would hurt if you fell. You may have realized that you would Syma s107 upgrade have absolutely no idea where the turbulence would be if you decided to become a pilot and you would probably lose your mind if it did happen.Lastly, the killer whale story is highly unlikely. What are the chances that a killer whale would ever be able to jump that high? And why on earth would they go after an airplane? Aren t there dolphins or some other sea creatures that the killer whale would rather eat?However, if there is one thing that you, being afraid of flying, can definitely experience, it s the novelty of pilotenbrillen style sunglasses.No flying required. Air Swimmers These sunglasses are not exactly aviator s glasses they do have a few differences. For one, you won t find the head strap that was required for older aviators after all, they didn t always have a top to their planes and their glasses may have fallen off if they had to rotate upside down for any reason at all. You could seriously be blinded at such an altitude with no eye protection.Not to mention one of the very best things about pilotenbrillen. You see, they ARE sunglasses and they do protect your eyes.What many people may not realize nowadays is that your eyes are damaged in much the same way as your skin by the sun. In fact, it is possibly for your eyes to be sunburnt. However, in most cases, you close your eyes and look away because the sun is too bright. But if it was not, well&Your eyesight can also be severely damaged because of sunburnt eyes. What s the downside? Well, with skin, you tend to notice that you re burning. Your skin turns red, tender, and may blister. When your eyes are burnt, they have a different effect and they have symptoms much, much later.The point? You need to protect your eyes why not, in a small way, live your childhood dream AND protect your eyes? Why not make sure that your eyesight stays in good condition for years and years to come? After all, not everyone has to be an old granny or otherwise with thick, heavy glasses. That s right you won t only save your eyesight, but you will also keep yourself from wearing glasses many, many years down the line, all thanks to pilotenbrillen.

