
Unsuccessful and Annoying Facebook Marketing Strategies

This article is directed towards network marketers using Facebook to market their business.1. Don't spam your FriendsNobody likes getting spam mail. That's exactly why email accounts have a spam folder. People don't read spam mail because they are not interested in what those messages have to say. Constantly sending emails and facebook messages to your friends, family and A Lange & Sohne Watches acquaintances about your business is unproductive because they aren't going to read it. If they want to know about your business, they will ask you.I also want you to keep in mind that with so many network marketers in the same social circles on Facebook, many of you are sending the same information repeatedly. I receive messages about the same companies and Breguet the same opportunities from different network marketers EVERYDAY.Additional Methods of Spamming:Posting information about your business all over your friends' wallsSending dozens of Facebook gifts to your friendsSending a friend request with a description of your businessRepeatedly sending group invitationsConstantly sending spam mail via group and fan pages.2. Don't ask someone what business their involved with just so they will ask you backUnless you are genuinely interested in a friend's business, don't ask them about it. People can read through the lines when you start asking them about it. Especially when you respond with a generic description about your company Watches and how they should check it out. If they don't ask you to send them information about your business, don't do it. It's almost insulting because what makes you think that person isn't satisfied with the company they are working for in the first Tissot place?3. Don't Try To Convince Other Network Marketers That Your Business Is Better Than TheirsRemember that Facebook is a place for socializing Watches and building connections. Under no circumstances should you be using Facebook to push your business on others who are not interested. In this world of Concord network marketing, we all know the main objective of a network marketer is to build his or her business. If someone is unsatisfied with the company they're involved with, they will go out and ask other network marketers for advice on their own. They don't need you to bombard them with descriptions, presentations and videos about your business. They especially don't need you to persuade them that your company offers a better compensation plan, a better product or a better marketing strategy. Again, if they are looking for a change, they will ask others they perceive as being successful for help and guidance.For information about how you SHOULD use Facebook to market your business, stay tuned for my upcoming article entitled: "How to Successfully Market You Business on Facebook".

